Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

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AI Still Needs Training To Understand Us

While artificial intelligence (AI) continues making headlines and breaking barriers that were thought to be impossible a decade ago, humans are now looking at it with both awe and fear. This is understandable because no one can allow their work to be taken away or to be replaced in places where they have for years looked for their daily bread. When people hear that companies are building AI-powered assistants to help in different tasks, they get afraid that AI is close to becoming independent of humans. The questions that they often ask are; Is AI close to matching human intelligence? Are we close to the fictional Skynet predicted in the Terminator? Is AI smart in its own and will it take positions long occupied by humans?


AI Is Finding Hidden Asteroids

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used to find hidden asteroids. According to NASA, AI can be crucial in searching planets and detecting alien life. The advancement in AI comes at a time when humanity is facing various challenges associated with climate change and imminent threats from asteroids hitting the earth. Asteroid strikes have, for eternity, been one of the biggest threats to human civilization, and therefore studying their behavior is crucial in detecting their activity and responding in time. With the help of advanced AI, researchers will be able to identify dangerous objects that cannot be seen by humans. Other advanced AI technologies such as machine learning are used in interpreting data that is gathered by devices such as telescopes.


AI is Getting Closer to Understanding Humans

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the leading (if not the leading) topics of conversation these days. The recent advances in AI have made it even more than before and are now closer to reality than you might imagine. Until the last decade, computers were not as sophisticated at producing sentences that make sense. They could not compete with humans in many aspects and humans seem irreplaceable in areas such as language. However, the past few years has changed the narrative completely. The field of natural language processing (NLP) has advanced significantly and machines are now competing humans and are even showing signs of understanding human language.


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