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How Machine Learning May Change Education Featured

How Machine Learning May Change Education books on brown wooden shelf

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now part of almost every industry. From parking systems to smart sensors, AI is promising to alter the way we do things through technologies such as computer vision and machine learning, and others. This technology provides tools that can be used to revolutionize education and training institutions. Its potential in this industry is enormous, ranging from robotic teachers, personalized learning, coaching using artificial intelligence, and automating administrative tasks in schools to reduce the cost of operations and enhance efficiency. Here are some ways in which machine learning may change education:

  • Personalized learning

Some countries are already taking advantage of AI in classrooms to shape the education system. Just like the personalized recommendations in Netflix, machine learning is used in teaching students at schools. Unlike the traditional technologies that do not cater to pupils sufficiently, AI learns each students’ needs, allowing teachers to perform much better. Unlike the thinking by many that machine learning and AI, in general, will replace teachers, it will position them to perform much better. Through machine learning, AI systems can learn the needs of each student and customize in-class assignments and exams and ensure that students get the best assistance necessary.

  • Simplification of administrative tasks

AI can automate administrative duties for teachers and learning institutions. These are the things that teachers waste too much time on. Areas like grading exams, assessing homework, and responding to students waste time that would have been used in other things. But with AI, grading tasks can be automated. This means teachers will spend much of their time with their students instead of grading them. AI comes up with better methods of grading essays and written answers and can perform this even better than humans. Admission boards are also reaping big from AI. This technology allows automation of classification and processing of paperwork.

  • AI can act as a tutor and detector of learner’s mood

Unlike humans, AI is better at reading the emotional states of students. With AI capabilities, machine learning applications can tell when the students are bored, confused, or disturbed. It can then adjust lessons based on the emotional state of students. Furthermore, AI software can help students analyze papers of other learners as part of the peer-review process. This analysis can offer additional feedback, which can be useful for students in their learning process. Over the next few years, artificial intelligence will have substantially improved how students learn and make it easy for tutors to enforce peer reviews.

  • Smart content

Artificial intelligence can be enforced to ensure that students attain the ultimate academic success they need. With the sophistication of AI, smart content has become one of the hottest topics around. Technology can produce virtual content, such as video lessons and video lectures. The AI systems are using traditional syllabuses to come up with new learning interfaces to help students, regardless of their academic grades and age. An example is Cram101, that uses AI to make textbook content that is more understandable and easy to navigate. AI has led to the creation of things such as flashcards and other practical tests needed by students for learning.

  • Automated grading

Understanding the way students learn and read is critical in any learning arrangement. AI can be used to achieve this and develop content in real-time. Furthermore, AI can help understand how students answer exam questions. These abilities allow teachers to automate their learning and grading and other administrative tasks. Already, companies such as Grammarly have detailed grammar feedback software that allows students to improve their writing skills.

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Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

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