Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

AI is Changing How, Who, and even What Makes a Supervisor

It has now become common hearing people talking about how artificial intelligence (AI) will change various aspects and industries in every country on the planet. There are growing fears that this technology will eliminate many jobs and professions through automation of tasks. Many reports have shown the truth behind job automation especially for certain professions and demographics. For example, a report by Brookings Institution noted that automation threatens more than 25% of jobs in the US, most done by low-wage earners where tasks are repetitive and routine-based.


Smart Cities Are Still Not Prepared For the Impact of AI

AI has shaped many technologies and economies and is slowly being integrated into almost every aspect of our lives. Artificial intelligence AI refers to the ability of machines to mimic human behaviors like speaking, learning and doing tasks that were before thought could only be done by humans. This technology is now taking over many industries, and cities are among areas that will be highly affected by this technology in the future. While we expect AI to improve many aspects of our everyday lives, it will also disrupt many things including how we live and how our cities operate.


AI is Checking out the Old Masters

For years now, we have seen crazy things that Artificial intelligence (AI) can do like creating people who do not actually exist, creating virtual landscape and analyzing thousands or even millions of files and linking them together. Better yet, researchers at IBM have now come up with a new AI-driven technology that can convert a portrait photo into an amazing classical art painting. None of these applications could have been thought to be possible a few decades ago.


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