Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

Facebook Makes Population Density Visible By Using AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been gaining momentum by the day thanks to the support it has gained from big tech companies. Facebook is among the companies that have invested a lot of resources in this technology. The company has been experimenting with different ways AI can be deployed to solve human problems. The latest groundbreaking use of AI was seen in a partnership between Facebook and the Center for International Earth Science Information Network. The two companies wanted to get the administrative data for countries the majority of which are on the African continent.  With the use of advanced computer vision and machine learning, Facebook managed to combine satellite imagery with public census data and other data sources to create detailed information on Africa’s population density maps.


How AI is making it easier for scientists to understand climate change

Climate change is a serious issue which needs immediate global attention. This is so because the planet continues to warm and the impacts it creates are worsening each day. There is compelling evidence which points out that there is a bleak future characterized by the rise in global temperatures, shrinking glaciers, rising sea level, warming ocean and other extreme events. Researchers have however been trying their best to address these issues by proposing various potential solutions. However they have not succeeded in averting the looming crisis.


Why AI enabled chatbots are working for businesses

At present many businesses are deploying the use of AI-enabled chatbots and have discovered them to be the future of engagement between an organization and its customers.


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