Unlock The Potential Of Your Small Business With AI
- Monday, 04 December 2023
Small businesses are facing a difficult challenge in the digital age, competing with larger, well-resourced enterprises. However, the solution may be found in embracing Artificial Intelligence (AI). According to the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council (SBEC), almost 48% of small businesses have started using AI tools, and 93% of small business owners recognize the value of AI. AI tools can help small businesses reduce costs and increase profitability. Karen Kerrigan, CEO of SBEC, believes that AI can revolutionize how small businesses function and compete.
Read more...Are You a Robot? Bloomberg Investigates
- Monday, 04 December 2023
Bloomberg recently reported on the need to verify that users are not robots. To do so, they asked users to click a box to confirm they were not a robot. This was done in order to protect user data and ensure that the website was not being accessed by malicious bots. Additionally, users were asked to make sure their browsers supported JavaScript and cookies, and that they were not blocking them from loading. If users had any questions, they were asked to contact Bloomberg's support team.
Read more...Adaptive AI: Revolutionizing the Customer Experience
- Monday, 04 December 2023
Adaptive AI is a powerful tool for businesses, as it has the ability to continually adapt and learn from experiences with new data. According to a report published by Gartner, by 2026, brands that will adopt AI to build and manage adaptive AI systems will outperform their competitors by at least 25%. Adaptive AI can completely transform how brands communicate and provide customers with superior experiences. Self-driving cars are a great example of how adaptive AI can be used to provide the best customer experience. Brands like Tesla, Ford, and Toyota have been using adaptive AI to provide the best customer experience for customers using their intelligent cars.
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Oct 30 2018
Written by Craig Gehrig
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