Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

Strategize to Implement Artificial Intelligence  

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing almost every industry, one after the other. It is helping in medical research to create vaccines, in education to tutor children and even in the cooking of burgers through machine learning. While these are just a few ways that AI is currently used, there are many other ways and real-world implementations of AI. Machine learning technologies are becoming more accessible than ever. However, it remains a challenge to find a business case for AI. Here are the AI strategies you can implement to improve your desired activity.


AI is Not Superhuman – Yet

With the advancement of artificial intelligence, there is a common misconception of hyper-intelligent algorithms and their ability to take over the world. A leading misconception about AI is natural intelligence. Many articles are alarmist and tend to portray evil-looking robots carrying weapons. They suggest that humans should be worried about robots rising up and killing humans because they have become conscious and can operate independently of humans. While such articles are impressive, they are not entirely correct. Here are some myths that have been propagated against AI.


Machine Learning Can Change Your Workspace

The leading organizations today are using artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to enhance their operations in different ways. These two technologies promise to help transform workplaces by automating work and guiding business executives in their decision-making responsibilities. Furthermore, it will improve the efficiency of staff and enhance their productivity. Data visualization ability using AI and 3D applications has been one of the key areas when it comes to machine learning. It gives clarity to workplace planning and offers profitability for companies, especially in production and marketing. The competitive nature of modern workplaces demands that they adapt and work smarter. Machine learning and AI will augment jobs and make work more interesting and attractive. However, it will also displace some people and create new jobs. Some of the uses of machine learning and AI in workplaces include the following.


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