Scott Koegler
Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers.
Is AI-Assisted Contact Tracing Reliable?
- Monday, 06 July 2020
The coronavirus pandemic and the threat that it brings on the health of individuals has confined many people to their homes. People are being forced to self-isolate or practice social distancing from one another as a way of ensuring that infections are minimized, and mortalities are reduced. Meanwhile, the pressure is piling up on agencies responsible to do more than just enforcing social distancing. One of the things that many countries and responsible agencies are using is contact tracing. As we look at how we can reduce the spread of the virus so that we may emerge from the first wave of the crisis and economic effect, contact tracing is the only method that can be used so far to limit community transmissions.
Read more...Bias is Everywhere - Can AI Help Identify and Reduce It?
- Monday, 29 June 2020
Bias is one of the biggest documented weaknesses of humans. This can be seen from implicit tests that show that we are not even aware of some of our biases. Although we may say that these biases are part of human nature, experiments have shown that they can affect our judgments and outcomes. Over the past few years, there has been an argument on whether human biases can be solved by artificial intelligence or whether these biases can make their way into AI systems and cause harm. This comes at a time when AI is being deployed by many companies across different industries. The industries need to be aware of the risks of biases ad how AI can be affected by it.
Read more...Can AI be Considered to be Conscious?
- Monday, 15 June 2020
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has achieved a lot since it came into existence. However, the main objective has always been to get high-level AI systems that mimic humans in most of the things they do. In essence, the primary objective of AI systems is to function independently, like humans. However, that AI is conscious is no longer a matter of if but when. This was envisioned by Norbert Wiener, the renowned father of cybernetics in his book The Human Use of Human Beings, back in 1950. Although Norbert lived at a time when vacuum tubes were the building blocks of computers that were few at a time, he foresaw how automation would change the society for the better.
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Oct 30 2018
Written by Craig Gehrig
Mar 17 2020
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Dec 12 2018
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